SINTEA a avut carcinom scvamocelular cu proces inflamator asociat
04.09.2017: Fighting thru the tears we had to put Sintea to sleep today as the tumor spread to the entire mouth and also started to bleed. We will never forget him <3 31.08.2017: Sintea has carcinoma (cancer). We're treating him for it but we're about 90% sure he'll need to be put to sleep in the next weeks. /// RO: Sintea are carcinom scvamocelular. Il tratam, dar sunt sanse de 90% ca va fi nevoie sa il eutanasiem in urmatoarele saptamani. Tumora creste, se extinde. 24.08.2017: We're waiting for the biopsy result. Meanwhile we started the treatment hoping that the tumor we suspect he has responds to it :( Update 15.08.2017: Sintea needs 2 surgeries totaling 444 Euros. Can you help with some of this? If yes, our registered charity's PayPal is Thank you. /// Sintea are nevoie de 2 operatii, una dintre ele de grefa de os din coasta sau ulna. Avem nevoie de 2.000 lei pentru aceste operatii. Puteti ajuta cu o donatie sau sponsorizare? Daca da, va stam la dispozitie la, 0766581545 si pe si Facebook. Va multumim. Update 11.08.2017: Vesti bune. Sintea poate manca hrana umeda <3 Good news. Sintea can eat wet food <3 /// We'll do our best for him. He's all skin and bones as he couldn't eat since the accident which wasn't recent. Please support his case by donating what you can via PayPal at Thank you. /// Vom face tot ce putem pentru el. Este foarte slab dat fiind faptul ca de cand a avut loc accidentul nu a mai putut manca nimic. Va rugam sa ii fiti alaturi lui si tuturor celorlalte animale pe care le avem in grija. Va multumim. Nu uitati ca puteti deveni membru al Animed.